Monday, January 11, 2010

Update - Reading the New Testament in 30 Days

I just found the coolest thing. For those of you doing this amazing challenge with us, you can read in your Bible, online, via email, or on your phones. Check out:

View the reading plans & you will see the New Thru 30 plan. Choose that option. (Or click here) Start your dates on 1/9/10 so that the proper reading lesson will be posted for today. The ending day is 2/9/10. The website will email you reminders, allow you to invite friends, & more! I think this is going to be VERY helpful & a lot of fun. It will even keep track of your progress for you.

I even started a group for us on the YouVersion website. You Version Group 

I am getting ready to go have my "me" time on the couch. The hard part is figuring out WHERE I want to read from. Phone? Bible? Study Bible? All of the above? Email? Hmm, decisions!

I am SO excited!

Aimee Freeman

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aimee, I can't get the link to come up. Can you post the next few days readings? Thanks, Mari


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