Sunday, January 10, 2010

Read the New Testament in 30 Days

Hey everyone. I just wanted to remind all of you that this challenge starts tomorrow. I am super excited (and grateful) that so many of you are joining me. This is going to be an amazing 30 days for our spiritual growth & a great bonding experience for all of us. The Bible can be difficult to understand so I am blessed that we have such a large group to share our thoughts, ideas, & questions with each other. 

Our original Blog Frog community was accidentally deleted, so I created a new one. (Sorry ladies) The Blog Frog community will be a place where we can discuss our daily lessons at length, give each other support & encouragement, ask questions, & become better friends. I can't wait to get started!

The assignments are based on a Monday - Friday schedule. I have posted the first reading assignment so that you can get going first thing in the morning. Click here to join our VIP community.

Aimee Freeman

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